What is a blog?
I think we nearly all have rough idea as to what a blog is. When blogging became popular several years ago it was principally an “Online diary”, where one could easily give voice to one’s personal views. It was (and is) a freedom tool which allows anyone with a passion for a subject to take their place, create their own operations and gain followers. A blog has the potential to gather people who want to follow a discerning, fashion-conscious or trend perceptive mind with a keen edge for a specific subject.
The components of the blog
When you blog, you write a post. The most common is that you then actively collect headline, lead picture, date, author and sometimes even a little preamble from the post and send it to a overview page. The overview is candy for the brain. We read the picture before the text and the headline/picture is unbeatable in quickly indicating what we want to chose to continue reading.
Here are some examples of overviews. One with both picture and text that intrigue, one with pictures that immediately capture your interest and finally one enabling the overview page to be the compilation page for blog, Facebook and twitter feed. Astute entrepreneurs have already changed the name “blog” to news, articles or other suitable title. See maltidsgladje.se/nyheter, imagimob.com/news.